
Radon Testing and Measurement Services in Ottawa

Radon is created naturally in the earth. A tasteless, colorless, and odorless gas that forms when uranium in the Earth’s soil decays. As radon decays, alpha particles are emitted, which can damage cells in the human body.

Outdoors radon gas is diluted in the air and poses little risk. But indoors it can become concentrated and can accumulate to hazardous levels. Radon can enter through crawl spaces, gaps between basement floors and walls, sump pumps, and the water supply. Our local land has naturally high mineral levels, which means radon levels in Ottawa and the surrounding areas can be higher than other areas in the region.

The only way to know if there is radon in the home is to perform a radon test. The short-term test will take a few days, while the long-term test takes at least 90 days.

Source: Canada.ca

It’s important to note, Health Canada and the Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (CNRPP) will only recognize a long-term test when deciding on measures to take for mitigation purposes. The Canadian guideline is 200 becquerels per cubic meter (Bq/m³). Any long-term test that shows a reading higher than 200 Bq/m³ signifies that the occupants are at a high risk of developing lung cancer. Immediate action is required to mitigate/reduce the concentration of radon gas.

Why is Radon Testing Important?

Radon is a radioactive gas that can be toxic to humans and pets when concentrated in an enclosed space, such as a home or garage. Radon is typically higher on the first story of a home, and can pose a greater risk for those with smaller, one-story homes. Because radon emits naturally from the earth, the closer the level to the ground, the higher the risk. Without testing, there is no way to know the radon levels in your home.

Radon detection is important because long term exposure to this gas can lead to serious health complications, including:

  • Shortness of breath
  • Persistent coughing
  • Pain or tightening of the chest
  • Sore throat or hoarseness when speaking
  • Coughing blood
  • Difficulty or pain when swallowing
  • Lung cancer

According to Health Canada, radon exposure is the leading cause of lung cancer found among non-smokers. If you are a smoker, the risk of developing lung cancer due to radon exposure is much higher. Additionally, the longer you are exposed to radon, the greater the risk of developing harmful symptoms.

The biggest reason radon can be so toxic is because it is so difficult to detect. Since radon is odorless, colorless, and does not have a taste, the only way to determine radon levels in your Ottawa home is by performing a radon test.

To perform a home radon test, check out our radon measurement products for sale.

If you would like a certified professional to deploy the device for you, then give us a call: 613-866-2092

Don’t wait to take action against radon. Radon is everywhere and you can’t detect it without measuring it.

How to Perform a Home Radon Test

how to perform radon measurement test

Testing your home for radon can be a simple task. You must first purchase a radon test kit. In Ontario, test kits must meet Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (CNRPP) standards.

You should always perform a radon test in your home during certain events, such as:

  • Before moving into a new home
  • After major renovations, especially if they affect airflow or ventilation in the home

It is recommended to perform radon measurements during seasons when radon levels tend to peak. In Canada, this is usually during winter months from October to April, when outdoor temperatures are lower and homeowners keep their windows shut and heaters on for extended periods of time.

To perform a residential radon test it is recommended that you place the testing device on the lowest floor of your home that is frequently inhabited. For example, if you regularly use your basement for more than 4 hours a day, or if you plan to perform some renovations at this level, this would be considered the lowest room. However, if you stick to the main level of the home primarily, opt to place it in a space that you frequent for more than 4 hours a day.

There are a few areas of your home that you should not place your testing device, whether it is a temporary device you send to the lab, or a permanent device that delivers immediate results, including:

  • Bathroom
  • Kitchen
  • Laundry room
  • Closet
  • Cupboard
  • Crawlspaces, nooks, or the similar spaces
  • Near heating, ventilation units, or A/C vents
  • Near doors, windows, or highly ventilated rooms
  • Around fireplaces, electrical devices (such as TV sets, computers, or radios)
  • In direct sunlight

If you place a testing kit near these locations, or if you regularly open your windows or doors to your home, you may receive inaccurate results due to outdoor exposure.

Home Radon Testing Kits

home radon testing kit

Alpha Track 100 – Long Term Testing

The Alpha Track will measure the radon concentration in your home for a minimum of 90 days, and a maximum of a full year. Once you’ve collected the sample, a lab must analyze the device to provide you with a written report which includes the results. The lab will take 2 to 3 weeks to analyze the device and provide you with the report, which they will email to you. Our technicians are trained and certified to deploy radon measurement devices in dwellings.

Corentium Digital Radon Monitor – Continuous Testing and Results

Corentium Digital Radon Monitor

This is a continuous radon monitor that provides both short-term and long-term readings. You can purchase this device from our online store or have us perform a one-time radon measurement using this device for a slightly cheaper price. With this product, you’ll receive your radon levels instantly, with daily, weekly, and long term averages so you can have immediate results and consistent peace of mind.

If you would like to deploy a radon measurement device yourself, check out our radon measurement products for sale.

Wave Radon Measurement – Continuous Testing and Results

Wave Radon Measurement

This smart radon gas detector offers continuous updates on the radon levels in your home by connecting to your smartphone. The Wave also offers responsive information immediately upon interacting with the unit, letting you know the radon levels in your home at any time. If radon levels in your home are dangerously high, the device will alert you with a notification.

Corentium Pro Radon Monitor – Short-Term and Long-Term Options

Corentium Pro Radon Monitor - Short-Term and Long-Term Options

Our team uses this monitor in commercial and industrial settings to deliver when we want the most accurate, reliable, immediate results possible. This radon monitor provides comprehensive results and blue-tooth connectivity. It can show you both short-term and long-term measurements. This product is only available through our professional radon testing services in Ottawa.  It is not available to purchase through our online store.

Radon Mitigation and Management in Ottawa, Ontatrio

The best way to get an accurate reading of radon levels in your home is to call professionals to deploy a device or perform an in-depth radon inspection.

If your home tests high, you may need radon mitigation and management services to help clear the space. To help prevent radon from settling in your home, be sure to seal any cracks in the foundation and ensure all exhaust systems. Improving air quality throughout your home can also help to reduce radon and other concerns, such as mold or asbestos.

For help inspecting or testing radon levels, or reducing radon levels after testing, you can turn to the experts. With over 20 years of experience, Mark Simon lends his expertise and care to all Ottawa homes and all surrounding communities such as Kemptville, Carleton Place, Orleans, Kanata, Cornwall, Cumberland, Casselman, Brockville, Rockland, Dunrobin, Morrisburg, Alfred, Sharbot Lake, Barrhaven.

Call us to get tested right away! Don’t wait!

If you’re unsure about whether your home needs testing for radon, mold, asbestos, or just poor air ventilation and quality, take our indoor air assessment survey! We can help answer any questions you may have and provide our expert advice to help you determine the next step for your home.

radon can distroy your life

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